Friday, March 29, 2013

Mini Project #1: Kinetic Text

     For this week's mini project, I chose to do a kinetic text project since Lacy's looked pretty cool, and I thought it would be fun to make an animation.  I've done animations in power point projects before, so I thought it would be easy.  Turns out it actually takes a long time to do this.  It took a ton of trial and error to get the letters and words to do what you want them to do.  It was a very tedious process and it took a lot of critical thinking and planning.  It took me hours and hours and hours to do this.  I'm doing my inquiry project on the ideas of college readiness and success, and I am going to go deeper into thought looking at the opinions of others.  I've been researching and taking into to consideration other people's ideas around the concept of "being ready for college."  As I indicated at the end of my kinetic text presentation, I believe it depends on the individual.  Every single person has a story and nobody's is the same.  I really hope you guys enjoy watching my newly made kinetic text video! I apologize in advance...on blogger the video is slowed down and kind of a little blurry.  I look forward to seeing you guys in class after Easter!

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Meeting with High School students...

     This week in English class we got to meet high school students for Forestview High School in Gastonia.  This had to have been one of my favorite classes yet, and I ended up having a lot of fun.  I was nervous about meeting with the students at first but I got over it quickly.  They asked me a lot of questions about college and I was able to answer a lot of questions that weren't answered for me when I was in their position.  I felt like it was a great opportunity to share my experiences in college so far and my opinion on certain things, such as taking no 8am classes!  The six high school students in my group were really fun and very easy to get along with.  I was almost sad to have to leave at the end of the period.  The meeting made me think about a lot of things.  It made me think about me in high school and how my life has completely changed since last year at this time.  I never thought my life would change this much and I never thought I would be where I am today.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Spring Break and the following week

     To be honest, I've been really busy and stressed out over the past couple of weeks. So much in fact that I almost forgot about this blog that is due today. Midterm week was horrible, stressful, and very intense with a heavy heavy work load.  Not only that, but I had two more midterms when I got back from Spring Break. I also have a huge exam coming up in Biology on Tuesday that is crucial for me to do good on.  Needless to say, it hasn't been easy for sure.  On another note, when we got back to class this week, Lacy had us go out in the hallways and find little quotes and things that could be used for a poem.  Then everybody wrote their stuff on the board and we had to somewhat create a poem from the verses.  I thought it was a very fun activity and I made a pretty legitimate poem. I don't have my daybook with me so I don't really remember what it says, but I thought it was pretty good.  I hope you all had a good Spring Break, and remember we only have half a semester left!