Saturday, February 23, 2013

The idea of college readiness...

     Over the course of last week, we discussed the idea of college readiness.  I wanted to blog on this subject because I wanted to discuss my personal feelings of the idea of success and college readiness, so here goes:  I don't believe college readiness defines a person; I believe a person defines college readiness.  I guess what I am trying to say is that I think college readiness differs from person to person.  I've given this a lot of thought and came to this conclusion, and here's why:  not everyone takes the same pathway.  Some people go into the military before college.  Others go into the workforce first and go back to school later.  And then there are those that can't afford a University and end up in a two year community college first before transferring.  That is one reason why college readiness differs from person to person.  Another is because being ready for college can depend on what you are actually going to college for.  For example, I'm in the Pre-Nursing major looking to do something in the Nursing field.  However, in order to be ready for college, I may want to get my CNA (Certified Nurse Aide) and take health prep courses in High School to get ready for college.  I am currently a Certified Nurse Aide in the state of North Carolina, but lets not get off topic.  What I am trying to say, is college readiness isn't just all about that stuff people tell you that you need to's just for the money.  Yes of course you need good grades, take the SAT, apply for colleges and scholarships, and do all of that other stuff.  That is required, but irrelevant for being ready for college.  College isn't just about knowing your stuff.  That is a big part of it, but being socially active is a big part as well.  I also think being ready for college is the fact of getting socially comfortable. It makes you wonder, who is right and what does the idea of college readiness consist of?  Maybe I'm off topic, or maybe I'm wrong, but that is my idea of college readiness. I believe it depends on what the person goes through in his/her life, their successes, choices, and failures, and what they want to make of themselves in the future.


  1. I totally agree with what you're saying here; "college readiness" will vary with each person. It all depends on the goals you set for yourself. That's why I disliked the image we analyzed in class. Pearson is making it look like everyone has to do the same thing.

  2. I agree with what you said. jordan also wrote on this idea and i feel like there is no way to fully get prepared for college by reading. I feel like once you think you have enough information, jump into it and continue to search for answers once questions come up.
